Car insurance quote
Home insurance quote
Building insurance quote
Cover your car for accident damage, theft, loss and third party damage.
Tyre & Rim Cover
We cover tyre and rim damage from common road hazards like potholes and debris on the road surface and other irregularities
Third-Party Insurance
Our third-party insurance covers damage to other vehicles and property where you are deemed to be at fault.
Buildings insurance
Cover the structure of your home against fire, floods, storms, earthquakes and more.
Home contents insurance
The insurance that covers all the contents of your home.
Portable possessions
Protect your valuable personal items, such as smartphones, lapops, and jewellery, wherever you go.
Professional business insurance
Specialised business cover for professional business owners like architects, lawyers, accountants and more.
Business property insurance
Cover your building or premises against any natural disasters, threats or weather conditions.
Corporate insurance
We’ve got cover for you, whether you own an engineering firm, hardware store, industrial factory or office park.
Commercial insurance
Cover your business from a variety of risks such as damage to your business premises, injury or harm to employees and more.
Life Insurance
Make sure your loved ones are taken care of when you no longer can.
Funeral Cover
Your loved ones do need to worry about the cost of a funeral with this cover.
Legal Insurance
Recieve added protection for your valuable assests and possessions.
Featured Content
Car Insurance
Whether you have a solid SUV to take the whole family along, a motorcycle to enjoy the open road, or a trailer for those weekends away in the bush, we at Dialdirect have the right vehicle insurance for you.
What’s the best time to get life insurance? The answer is simple: right now. No matter what stage of life you’re at, having life insurance can save you, your family, and your friends a lot of heartache.
Business Insurance
The pride, joy, and freedom that comes from owning and running a business make it worth protecting. That’s why we at Dialdirect offer a range of Commercial Insurance quotes depending on the type of business you have.
Need car, home & Life Insurance? We offer a wide range of insurance products. Switch & get cash back on insurance premiums.
Motoring Travel
How to Cancel Car Insurance
Getting to Grips with a Third-Party Insurance Claim
Home Leisure
Protect your home from top to bottom
Dial down costly repairs with Scratch & Dent cover
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