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Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub

5 min read

Spring Back Into Socializing: 10 Etiquette Rules for Post-Hibernation Gatherings

General News September 12, 2024

With colder days behind us (hopefully) we’re finally making our way to social events and gathering with friends and family again. Many of us have been hibernating at home during winter, this is a no judgement zone, so we won’t blame you, but we all need to brush up on our post hibernation etiquette.

Grab a pen and paper… class is in session.


10 Etiquette Rules for Going Out Post Winter Hibernation.

1. Be on Time

Aim to arrive when the party starts—no need to make a grand entrance before the host is ready! Being on time means you’ll catch all the fun from the get-go and not miss out on the best moments.


2. Don’t Bring a Plus One or Plus Two Without Asking

Always check before bringing extra guests—unless you want to be known as the “surprise guest” who turns every party into a surprise party. Make sure your extra friends are on the guest list!


3. Don’t Comment Negatively on People’s Appearance

Keep the chatter positive and save the fashion critiques for your own mirror. If you can’t say something nice, just admire everyone’s style in your head and focus on having a good time.


4. Offer to Bring Something

Volunteer to bring something tasty or fun. Whether it’s a plate of goodies or a quirky drink, showing up with a little extra never hurts. Bonus points if you bring something that makes everyone go “Ooh!”


5. Respect the Host’s Space

Treat the host’s home like your own. Stay out of the private zones and always be on your best behaviour. Your host will thank you for it!


6. Don’t Overstay Your Welcome

Know when to make a graceful exit. Don’t be the guest who turns “goodbye” into “see you tomorrow.”  Leave right on time leaving guests wanting more.


7. Do Mingle with Other Guests

Spread your wings and flutter around to chat with everyone. Be the guest who brings everyone together and makes new friends. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet—maybe your new bestie is just a conversation away!


8. Don’t Over-Indulge

Enjoy everything in moderation, driving under the influence is not a good look plus its illegal. Remember, it’s a party, not a contest!


9. Dress for the Occasion

Whether it’s a chilled braai or something more glam, make sure your outfit matches the vibe. Show up looking like you read the dress code.


10. Bring the Essentials You Know You’ll Need

Pack your party survival kit—power bank, charger, lip gloss, gum, sanitizer, and hand lotion.


Now you’re ready to be the life of the party and make every spring gathering a memorable one! Share these tips with your friends on social media, let’s make this spring memorable.

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