Business Insurance Quotes 

The pride, joy, and freedom that comes from owning and running a business make it worth protecting. That’s why we at Dialdirect offer a range of Business Insurance quotes depending on the type of business you have.

Office Business Insurance

Travel agents, estate agents, general offices, and training centres can benefit from an Office Business Insurance quote. Your office will be covered for fire damage to your building, machinery, tools, and stock. We also cover theft, goods-in-transit, and your business vehicles.


Tradesman Business Insurance

If you’re an electrician, plumber, locksmith, handyman, or in a similar profession, you’ll be looking for Tradesman Business Insurance quotes. We’ll cover your tools, machinery, equipment, business vehicles, third-party death and injury, public liability, and more.


Errors & Ommissions Business Insurance

Getting Errors and Omissions Business Insurance quote is essential for any business owner regardless of their industry. This covers you against damages and expenses that lead to a client’s financial loss due to negligence. This means your legal defense and subsequent damages awarded against you are covered.


Professional Business Insurance

In the legal, accounting, management consulting, or engineering industries? You’re looking for Professional Business Insurance quotes. This type of business cover insures you for errors and omissions, damage to your business’s buildings and business-related items, theft, and your business vehicles.


10-ton Truck Business Insurance

If you’re in the goods delivery and transportation industry, you’ll likely need a 10-ton Truck Business Insurance quote. We offer three cover options, tailored for you depending on your business’s needs: Vehicle Only, Motor & All Risk, and Motor & Goods in Transit Insurance. 


Broadform Liability

If your business is ever held legally responsible for third party claims, it can destroy everything you have built up. Do your thing and save ching before anything happens. Make sure you’re covered for incidents that occur at or away from your premises as well as for defective workmanship and product liability.


Professional Indemnity

No matter how much care you take when giving advice, we all make mistakes. As an Accountant, Legal Professional, Engineer or Architect , even small mistakes can cost your clients a lot of money. This is where Professional Indemnity insurance comes in. It protects against financial loss resulting from negligent advice, professional error and/or omissionto a third party. Now you can do your thing, without worrying.

Directors and Officers Liability 

As a Director, Prescribed Officer or Senior Manager, your actions and decisions can result in a loss for your company or a stakeholder. As you can be personally held liable for this, the legal costs can be really high, plus your personal assets like your pension fund are at risk. To make sure that you can still do your thing and earn your ching, Directors and Officers Liability insurance has you covered.

Not sure which is the best fit for your business? No problem – simply get a Business Insurance quote by phone and our professional consultants will help you find the right cover.

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