Third Party Only Car Insurance offers an entry-level form of cover. This policy covers the damages you cause to another person’s vehicle or property in the event you’re deemed at fault after a car accident or collision.
What is covered with Third Party Insurance cover?
Damage to someone’s car or property
It’s important to note that while this cover protects you against third-party damage, it doesn’t cover repairs to your own vehicle. So, if you’re in an accident, you’ll need to bear the cost of repairs to your car.
Dialdirect recommends Third Party Insurance if you can say ‘yes’ to these questions:
Can you afford to pay for vehicle repairs yourself?
Does your vehicle have a low-market value?
If you’re having second thoughts about whether Third Party Insurance is the right kind of cover, we suggest looking at alternatives like Third Party Fire and Theft Car Insurance or Comprehensive Car Insurance.
It covers damage to the other party's vehicle or property. However, it does not include cover for your own vehicle.
Legal liability refers to a state where someone is legally responsible for paying for repairs to a vehicle or property that was damaged in a car accident in which they were deemed to be at fault.
With third party only insurance, you will not be compensated for losses or damages to your own vehicle in the event of a car accident or collision. In this instance, you’re financially responsible for the replacement of and repairs to your vehicle – even if you’re in an accident that isn’t your fault.
Yes. Third Party Only Insurance is an entry-level car insurance plan. The cover is limited so the insurance premiums are lower than a more robust plan, like Comprehensive Car Insurance, for instance. Just bear in mind that if you are in an accident, you’ll need to repair or replace your car yourself.