• {{CallMeBack.Step === 'Details' ? 'Let us call you for a quote:' : CallMeBack.Step === 'CallbackDateTime' ? 'Select date and time' : 'Choose time slot'}}

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    Thank you for your interest {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    A consultant will contact you soon! A consultant will call you on the {{displayDate.getDate() + '' + DaySuffix(formatDate(CallMeBack.Date).getDate())}} of {{months[displayDate.getMonth()]}} {{displayDate.getFullYear()}} at {{TimeToMeridiem(CallMeBack.TimeSlot)}}

    Thank you {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    We have received your details and will contact you.

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Tyre & Rim Cover

Pothole, dodgy patches and surprise sidewalks...

Navigating South Africa’s roads can be tough on your tyres, rims and wallet. That’s why our Tyre & Rim Cover is here for you! So, let life take you on the road less travelled; we’ll handle any mishaps caused by potholes and uneven surfaces, all while protecting your savings.


Excesses and time limits



  • A percentage claim cost is charged with a minimum of R300.
  • An additional excess is applicable should a claim be logged within the first 90 days of commencement and the tyre thread is less than 3mm.


Important time limits

When you learn of an incident that may lead to a claim or receive any document relating to the claim, you must inform us and give us full details within 30 days of the incident.


Frequently Asked Questions: Tyre & Rim Cover

What is excluded from Tyre & Rim Cover?

  • Damage to tyres and rims on vehicles used for racing and/or speed reliability testing.
  • Damage to tyres and rims from a car accident, hijacking or theft, covered by comprehensive car insurance.
  • Damage to tyres and rims due to misuse, neglect or malicious damage.


Refer to Terms and Conditions for a full list of exclusions.

How do I make changes?

To make changes to your policy you can call our Customer Care Centre on 0860 10 50 85 to speak to one of our helpful consultants that will assist you

  • Any change or cancellation will be effective from the time and date agreed to.
  • If we need to make changes or cancel your policy, we will give you 31 days written notice.

How do I claim?

To make changes to your policy you can call our Customer Care Centre on 0860 10 50 85 from Monday to Friday, between 08:00 and 17:00 and one of our helpful consultants will guide you through the process.

To file a claim for pothold damage, do the following:

  • Be sure to log the claim within 30 days of the incident.
  • Have your ID, driver’s license and policy details ready. We may also ask you for evidence, so take photos of the pothold and your vehicle damage.
  • If your claim is valid, Dialdirect will submit your paperwork and manage the process.

How do my payments work?

Your Tyre & Rim Cover policy is payable on a monthly basis through debit order. Your premium is deducted on the date stated on your schedule to provide cover for the following month. If, in the month following the activation of your policy (and onwards), we do not receive your premium on the deduction date, you will be allowed a 15-day period of grace in which to pay your premium. If we still do not receive your premium after these 15 days, you will not have cover for that month.


To download your Tyre & Rim Cover terms and conditions, Click here