• {{CallMeBack.Step === 'Details' ? 'Let us call you for a quote:' : CallMeBack.Step === 'CallbackDateTime' ? 'Select date and time' : 'Choose time slot'}}

    Please enter your name
    Your name contains invalid characters
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    Please enter a valid contact number
    Please enter a valid email address.
    Please select a reason.
    Please select a suitable Date
    Please select a suitable time
    Select time slot

    Thank you for your interest {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    A consultant will contact you soon! A consultant will call you on the {{displayDate.getDate() + '' + DaySuffix(formatDate(CallMeBack.Date).getDate())}} of {{months[displayDate.getMonth()]}} {{displayDate.getFullYear()}} at {{TimeToMeridiem(CallMeBack.TimeSlot)}}

    Thank you {{CallMeBack.Fullname}}

    We have received your details and will contact you.

You've had an accident and can drive your car

We have put together this easy to understand claims guide to take the unsure out of insure. At Dialdirect we are committed to making your insurance clear.

1. Phone your Dialdirect Emergency Assist line

Your emergency assist services are a phone call away and will assist 24/7/365 with your emergency needs.

2. Make sure your car is safe to drive

If your car is not safe to drive please make use of our emergency assist services to tow your car. If you are unsure whether your car needs to be towed or not, check for leaking fluids under the car, smoke coming from the engine, any warning lights on the dashboard or anything obstructing or touching the wheels. If you are still unsure, it is best that you have your car towed to ensure your safety and avoid additional damages.

3. Reporting your claim

Reporting your claim via the Dialdirect App is easy and can be done 24/7/365. We will automatically be alerted of your claim and get in touch.

4. Assessing your damages

Your car will be assessed at one of our assessment centres, so please don’t waste your time to get your own quotes.  Our qualified motor assessors will assess the damage to your vehicle and prepare a quote.

You can book your assessment whilst reporting your claim online or we will do it for you when you call us.

5. Car hire

If you have car hire on your policy, we will arrange for it to be made available once your car goes in for repairs.

6. Further information we may require

We may require the following information to finalise your claim:

  • An accident report number from the police.
  • If there were any other parties involved, we will need their name, surname, ID number, contact number and vehicle make and model.

7. Guarantees

All repairs completed through one of our Dialdirect repair partners carry a lifetime guarantee.

Would you like to report a vehicle accident claim now?